6 from group 1...
1 was graded 1.0 (morula stage)
4 were graded 1.5 (3 early morula stage and 1-7 cell)
1 was graded 2.0 (6 cell) (She said it was graded a 2.0 because it had a little more fragmentation than the others)
2 from group 2...
both graded 1.5 (1 early morula stage and 1-12 cell)
I still have my 8 little embies going strong!
She said, "We will call you Wednesday with an update and transfer will be Thursday." I was taken back for a moment. I had been set on Wednesday for the transfer. That would have been a 5dt (five day transfer). She told me not to worry, "it's not a bad thing." I can't believe I am in the tww (two week wait- the time between ovulation and finding out if your preggos or not) and they embies haven't even been transferred yet. It's kind of strange to think about that.
To help pass time, DH & I decided to go to the Cincinnati Museum Center to see the Dinosaur exhibit and Omnimax show. We stopped at O.Charley's on the way for lunch. I didn't know DH had never been to see an Omnimax show. It was great "doing another first" with him. At points, just being in the room made us dizzy, but it was worth the experience. The exhibit was short, but very informative. We got through this part of our day pretty quick. So, we decided to make our trip to the city well worth it; we went to the Cincinnati Zoo. We had a blast!

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