I decided pretty quickly this morning that I didn't want to lounge around the house all day. My nerves couldn't take it anymore! After DH injected my PIO, I took my daily morning meds. and we took a short walk with the puppies I decided to go ahead and shower. Not too long afterwards, my phone rang. It was from the clinic. First of all, I was happy to see that they were calling. Second of all, I was happy they called earlier in the day (9:30am).
I didn't recognize the lady that called today. I think she must actually work in the embryology lab by the way she was talking. So here's the report:
Of the 6 that were doing well yesterday...
4 were graded 1.5 (3-4 cell & 1-2 cell)
2 were graded 2.0 (both 4 cell)
(She said, "these were doing what they were supposed to!")
Of the 7 that were developing slowly yesterday...
5 were discarded (I believe the lady who called this morning said the pronuclei never developed) : (
2 were graded 1.5 (both 4 cell) : )
As of this AM, I now have 8 embies in the running! I know that this number can always change. And, I know that the grades can change. But, my mood...or should I say HOPE has taken a turn for the better. She told me that they would call me tomorrow with another update. I guess that means ET is on for Wednesday, a 5dt, if all continues to go well. If we were transferring tomorrow, a 3dt, I would have heard from the nurse about times and procedures.
Now, I wait... some more! Today, to take up sometime, DH & I went to the flea market (actually found a few good buys), I K E A (having a great SALE) and then to M.eijer (24pk pop for 3.99). It was a great time out! Later tonight, we may go to the FireWorks put on by the local town.
I can't wait to hear from the clinic tomorrow!

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