We left bright and early. It was pretty much the usual. The took blood. This time they checked for my E2 levels. They did my vitals. I then had my U/S. The only thing that wasn't as usual..... we dropped the BIG bucks. And, that's all I am going to say about that.
Then, we waited.....the first of many waits we will have in the coming days.
DH & I ran a bunch of errands. I picked up a gift for the baby shower I am going to Sunday! We went to PetSmart, Wally World and Hobby Lobby. We found some great deals on 4th of July decor. And, we picked up some essentials for our cars (filters, fuel injector). We had lunch at Stake N Shake.
We then met my two sisters, two nephews and niece at Newport on the Levy! We went to the aquarium there. It was a blast. Most of us had been there before. DH had not. But, there were a ton of new exhibits! I even got to pet sharks! Here are some pictures from our adventure.
On the way home, the nurse called. All is clear! I am to start my Follistim and Repronex Monday evening. I will also stay on my Lupron. I also got some refills on my others meds. today. That way I won't have to worry about them next week.
Update on Upcoming Appointments:
6.15 - Refresher appt. for mixing meds 1:00om
6.17 - B/W @ Quest Checking for E2 levels (based on those may or may not change med. dosage)
6.18- B/W & U/S Checking for E2 levels & development/count of eggs

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