It's working! The meds. are doing their job. Today, I had an appointment with our RE. My U/S revealed that I have 6 follies on my right and 10 on my left side. My biggest seemed to be at 14. I had others at 13,12,11,10... I am so happy! My lining is progessing as it should. RE said as long as E2 wasn't over 2000 that she would see me Tuesday. She also said, "You are my GoldiLocks Story.... not too much, not too few!" Sounds wonderful to me!
Well, we waited... Of course, we went about our daily lives. We ran errands and made our way home. The nurse called around 4:20pm. That' s the latest they have called throughout this cycle. I think it was due to it being a Sunday. No problem. My progesterone was 1.4. I didn't even know that they would be checking for that. It was nice and low like it should be at this point in the cycle. My E2 was 1124! It's getting higher, but not out of control. It should continue to increase in the next couple of days.
Next up-> Appointment w/ RE for another U/S and more B/W
Tuesday @ 9:00 AM

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