Last Monday, our SW called my cell phone on our way home from my DH's dentist appointment. She wanted to know when we wanted to meet up with Baby C's BM again. We had talked at our
prior home visit about this and decided upon early December. She was just wanting to make sure that it was still a go. A little while later, she called again. I missed the call, but quickly called her back. She went on to tell us that Baby C's BM had picked December 1st.
We know that she is anxious. She told us the time and then I went on to ask if the BF was going to be there or not. Our BM had told her that the BF didn't want to come.
He just couldn't handle it. He would break down. That's not what we wanted on to hear. We'll keep working on that.
If that wasn't enough for one phone call, there was more news. Our BM had to tell her mother. Apparently, a bill from the hospital showed up at our BM's mother's home. All we know is that the converstation went well.
She, Baby C's birthgrandmother, wants to meet us. The SW told our BM that this next meeting is not appropriate. And, the BM said that she told her mom that she could meet us only if we wanted this to happen. Our BM didn't tell her mother the entire truth. She told her that the BF didn't know Baby C even exsisted. I am not sure of the reasoning behind that, but I am sure it was so that her mother don't talk about Baby C with others.
Then, there was more...
Baby C's BM is now working at the mall we go to regularly. She works in one our a favorite stores (The P.lace). We went to the mall this past weekend to pick up a few things and to get my wedding rings inspected, we are 99% sure that she was working that day. We didn't stop at the The P.lace. I guess I may need to mark that off of my list of places to shop on B.lack F.riday.
The plan is to meet with Baby C's BM on the 1st and to discuss us seeing other in public more. But, I am not personally ready to say just how close we live. I am also not ready to meet others from the birthfamily. Of course, we would love to Baby C's BF.
This has been a lot to digest. I am really not sure how I feeling about all of this...