On Saturday (10.9), we took the girls to a local school carnival (in the district in which we live, my husband works and family attends). We took Baby C last year also. All summer, I kept saying we needed to pick out/make/buy customes for the girls. But, we never did. We were so busy with summer, Baby C, graduate work, back to school work, etc... Then, Baby T arrived. My DH took over getting the customes. Baby T was supposed to be E.lmo. However, when the costume that my DH ordered came in we realized it was almost big enough to fit Baby C even though it was labeled newborn. My DH has had an on going 'joke' or game with Baby C and C.ookie M.onster (it all started because of P.ampers using the characters on their diapers). She rocked the costume (more pictures to come)!
Those costumes are ADORABLE:)!!!
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