Monday, October 17, 2011

Pumpkin Patch

On Friday (10.7), we went to the same pumpkin patch that we took Baby C to last year. She was just getting over a double ear infection and she was still feeling a little tired. But, she still had a blast! We took a ton of pictures, but I just included a few for this post. A family volunteered to take our family picture. I am glad that we have the picture even though it's not the best picture. The patch has a ton of things to do. We did the hayride, but decided to not to do the cornmaze this year. Baby C loves animals. In the last seveal weeks she has had the opportunity to see and pet several. She is NOT afraid at all. I am glad, but scared about that at the same time. I see more pets in our future.....


Rach said... [Reply to comment]

How fun! I love their outfits.

Faith said... [Reply to comment]

LOVE their outfits:). Sounds like you had a blast! We are going to attempt a similar outing next week - wish us luck, lol!


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