Everything is ok with the little one!
I have been on amoxicillin since Friday (3.18 for a sinus infection). My last dose was supposed to be Tuesday. Last night, I started noticing that my armpits and back of my arms were itching. I finally looked at it an noticed it was very red, blotchy, raised up, etc... I had a little area on my chest also. I didn't have any problems sleeping, breathing, etc...
I woke up this morning. It was ALL over. Even my face. It was also much more red and 3x as itchy. I used Dr. G.oogle and freaked out!
I decided to call the on call nurse who then paged the on called midwife. She called back shortly after. We discussed how amoxil seemed to be the only thing new, but she wanted to make sure that's what it was. She told me to go to the local urgent care.
Well, of course, it was closed. So we went to the ER. I was in and out within an hour and fifteen minutes. But, I am glad that we got there when we did. It got very busy, very quickly. My temperature was a little elevated compared to what it normally is, but all of my other vitals checked out. The Dr. aggreed that it probably was the amoxil.
After getting a does of 50mg of benadryl, 40mg of pepcid and 80mg of P.rednisone (shot). I was sent home.
I sent my DH in to get my medications. I could have gotten it through the pharmacy, but since both of them can also be bough over the counter that's what we did. (The wait time at that pharmacy can be crazy long!) Plus, I wasn't going in anywhere like this! I even had looks in the waiting room.
It's undescribable how I look. Here I am 6 hours later. I 'think' it looks a litttle better. I just took my next dose of benadryl. I am to continue my meds for at least 2 days no matter what and longer if needed. I am to follow up with my OB or midwife. I have an appointment Wednesday anyway! Thank goodness.
By the way, he felt on my stomach... he said at 20 weeks the baby should be at the belly button and he said I am where I should be! I was secretly hoping for a doppler check and/or ultrasound!
Note to self: NO MORE AMOXIL FOR ME!
19 hours ago
So scary...especially when you're pregnant I'm sure! Glad everything was taken care of!
Just in case you didn't know...if you are allergic to amoxil, you will also be allergic to penicillin b/c it's the same thing. (Some people aren't alware of this so sorry if you were.) =) Hope it goes away soon!
Oh my goodness, not a fun way to spend your Sunday! Hope you're feeling better soon and I'm glad the little one in your tummy is doing well also:)
Oh no, that is awful! Who knows you may be like me and be one of 300 pregnant peole who have a bad reaction to all the new hormones!
I hope you feel better soon!
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