Daily - Synthroid, Glucophage, Metanx, Prenatal, B. Asa., Vit. E
FET # 2, SET of an embie graded 2.0, frozen on day 7 & hatched
3.21.10 - CD 1
3.23.10 - Begin BCPs
4.8.10 - Start Lupron
4.15.10 - Last BCP
4.18.10 - CD 1
4.22.10 - Start Estrace
5.6.10 - CD 15 u/s (9.7mm lining)
5.6.10 - Last Lupron
5.6.10 - Start Medrol
5.6.10 - Start PIO
5.10.10 - Last Medrol
5.11.10 - ET (8:30am)
5.20.10 - Beta (208)
5.20.10 - Start Heparin
5.22.10 - Beta #2 (622) & P4 33.9
5.26.10 - Beta # 3 (5097) & TSH 2.42
6.2.10 - U/S #1 (4:15pm) (DX w/ Blighted Ovum)
6.8.10 - U/S #2 (9:30am) (DX Confirmed told to stop meds.)
6.24.10 - U/S # 3 (9:30am) (Final Confirmation)
6.24.10 - D&C (Report to hospital @ 11:30am/Surgery @ 1:00pm)
1 day ago
Rachel, I am so sorry to hear about your loss. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
I'm so sorry you had to go through that.
I hope you have a good appointment on 7/8.
How is the adoption coming along? Any matches?
First off I want to say I am sorry for your loss...I have had 4 miscarriages in the past year...after number 4 I really started to look into immune issues...I am now newly pregnant 5wks and I see Dr. Kwak Kim for my immune issues...I have alot of my process/details of immune tx/dx...if you have any questions or need anything let me know...my blog is http://lettheivfrollercoasterridebegin.blogspot.com/....Hugs Kristi
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