Welcome to those visiting due to ICLW! For those of you who haven’t been here before, my history can be found on the
“OUR TTC JOURNEY” page. To find out about our lastest plans, please read the post
“DH and I have a confession to make.”
I am exhausted. This coming week is exam week for my students. Between missing four days in the last two weeks due to snow and trying to get my students where the needed to be, I am about pulled my hair out. On top of that, I had a college assignment due this past Friday. Let me tell you, this professor is picky. I like to be an A student and right now I am not quite sure I am going to get that A at the end of this semester. Of course, I also got a BFN Friday. I hadn’t tested at home and I also didn’t have my hopes up that that much… ok so I am fibbing. How could I not have my hopes up? My nurse presented us with several options. To learn about some of our options
read this. Right now, I am waiting on AF to talk to them again.
Now back to yesterday…. DH and I left our house around 7:40am. After a quick stop at M.icky Ds, we made it to the adoption agency with a little time to spare. Other people were late. Grr…. Honestly, I didn’t know what to expect. There were nine couples there and a tenth did not show. Out of the nine couples, only two of us had no children. Of the seven other couples, two of them had adopted their first child. One of wives was an adoptee herself; it’s going to be great having her in class. The social worker leading the class adopted her two daughters through this agency. Three of the couples attending the meeting where going through another agency, but were taking their homestudy education courses through our agency.
The first part of class was spent talking about what to expect in the training, openness, the homestudy iteself and transcultural adoption. After a short break, we had three quest speakers. The first that spoke were a couple who had adopted four children through our agency. Their story was amazing. I never realized how many ups and downs adoption can have…. Just like IF. What was even better about this time was that the couple’s oldest baby’s birthmother was also in attendance. It was wonderful seeing their interaction and hearing from the birthmother herself. I would love to tell you more, but due to privacy issues I will not.
We then left for lunch. We went to Mc.Calister’s Deli. I think that’s a Cincy thing. DH had never been there.
After lunch, we talked about the adoption process itself. This took forever since the social worker had to explain two different processes (one for our agency and one for those couples attending from the other agency).
We ended the day talking more about transcultural adoption. For homework, we have a lot of reading to accomplish and even a form to fill out (we have been asked to fill out the same for that potential birthmothers are asked to see what it is like).
Our next class is Tuesday evening from 7-9pm. For this class, a speaker is coming down from C.olumbus (2 hour drive) to do a presentation about transcultural adoption. O.hio A.doption L.aws require three hours of education in that area.
On the way home, we had to make a couple of stops to return and pick up a few items. We then met, my BIL and SIL at A.pplebee’s for dinner. (Where I spilled a drink all over my SIL. Whoops….). We didn’t get home until almost 9pm.
Then, I graded a test. Did I tell you? All of my grades have to be online today by midnight! I still have a project to grade. I still have an exam to make. I have another college assignment due this Friday. My house is a mess and yes, I know…. we ate out three times yesterday!
*When we got home, the BIG packet had arrived from the agency!