This past weekend, the girls were flower girls in my nephews wedding. It was in Lexington (about a 2 hour drive from home). Before all of the excitement of this pregnancy, I had asked about this trip since I would be 37 weeks and a few days pregnant and they told us that we would "talk about it." Well, we didn't even bring it up at the our 37 week appointment. I am sure they would have said NO! We made it there and back just fine. Although, we were all exhausted! Saturday after the wedding I slept so well (once we laid down and I got as comfortable as possible). We promised the girls ice cream if they did well at the rehearsal. They did; so we got frozen yogurt before the dinner. Then, we promised them Chuck E Cheese before the wedding if they did well. So, Tuesday of this week we kept our word. They had a blast and the pizza was a hit with all of us. Thank goodness we didn't have a Wildcat baby! My brother would have NEVER let it go. We did take most of our hospital stuff just in case though.

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