38w6d (8.18.14)
Monday morning we had to finishing getting things ready for the girls. We got ready, got them ready, made their beds, got them breakfast, etc.... We loaded up the van with everything that they would need. We also had to take Chi, our dog, and her supplies. First, we dropped off Chi at Jason's mother and father's home. That was around 7:45 am. We dropped the girls off at their 'old' babysitters' house (she can no longer watch them full time since she is going back to school, but was available to help this week). We then headed to our last appointment a little after 8 am.
Our appointment was at 9:15 am, but we arrived a little early. Jason was actually able to come back with me since the girls weren't with us. After the 'normals', we waited to see Dr. S. I saw him a couple of times during this pregnancy and with TT (he also broke my water with her).
Our August Miracle checked our great! My fundal height was right on and his HR was good. The nurse asked if I wanted to be check since I was to report to the hospital at 4 am the next morning. I said yes! I wanted to know if any progress had been made. Nope, he too said I was 3 cm. I asked if he knew who was on duty at the hospital the next day. He thought Dr. K and he also said he would be in the building (he is over the residents). He said he would try to check on us early and break my water if it hadn't been already.
And that was that. Our last appointment of this pregnancy.
We then stopped to get gas and some hard candy. Then, we went to the first day of work for the school year. Yes, you read that right.... we went to to work! We were supposed to be at the county meeting starting at 8 am, but had to miss it due to our last appointment. We got to the school a little after 10 am. Jason helped me put supplies away in my classroom and then we went to his classroom. We then had lunch and two meetings (district and building). During this time, R (Jason's dad came up to the school to switch cars and then pick up the girls to take them to his home). We then had pizza and the open house. It was nice seeing old and new students, but I chuckled when I told them I wouldn't be back for 12 weeks! For some, I would literally say a countdown (... 9 hours until we have to the be at the hospital)! During the day, into the evening and even when we got home later in the evening, I noticed I was tired, crampy and having back pain.
We left as close to 7 pm as we could. We went to R and S's home, picked up the girls and headed to my sister's home. Jason and I unloaded and loaded the girls, carseats, stoller and their bags. I went over what we had brought with C and we talked for a few moments. And, of course, tears started to flow. I didn't want to leave my girls.
We left and got home around 8:30. There we a few things we needed to do around the house. We laid down and talked for a while (nerves?). we probably fell asleep around 10ish.
Our world was about to change.

Hello! So good to see you blog! But you're keeping us in suspense lol. So hope you're all well. =)
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