Although we didn’t get to walk like we wanted to, we did
spend the time talking. We watched tv (mainly the local news) and surfing the
net on our phones (Jason also played his game). As I began to feel the
contractions more and more, I asked the nurse what the rule of thumb was to get
an epidural. She simply stated, “when you are ready.” I was worried, that if I
waited, it would take them a while to be there. I eventually said that I was
ready. During our wait and the contractions, I could feel more leaking and at
one point a pretty significant gush. The nurse anesthesiologist came in, asked
questions and talked me through the entire process. With TT, I remember it
being difficult for me to sit still during the contractions. But, this time I
was able to sit still much better. However, once they sat me up I got very hot
and sweaty. The nurse and my husband put wet rags on my forehead and neck. Once
the medication was in, he waited to see how I reacted. Just like with TT, after
a wait I could still feel contractions on my left side. They had me turn on my
left side to try to encourage movement of the medication to that side. He had
to leave the room to give an epidural to a woman who had just arrived and was
already 7 cm dilated. He said he would come back.
During our wait I was checked twice and I was about 5 cm
dilated each time. The last check was around 9:57 am. When he came back, I was
still in pain on my left side. He gave me two more medications. This was around
10:10 am. By 10:16 am, the nurse decided
to place an internal monitor and complete another check to better capture my
contractions. I was 6 cm. During a
check, she also I felt a pop. The nurse said that it was more amniotic fluid.
Very soon after this, around 10:35 am, I started shaking (I had remembered this
with TT). During this same time the nurse anesthesiologist came in again. I was
having pain on left side more than my right and also pelvic pressure. I
received a fourth medication. A few minutes later I asked the nurse for
something to puke in (I think I remember puking once during TT’s delivery).
Once I started getting sick, it wouldn’t stop.
I would get sick, hand them the bag and almost immediately have to have
another. I was violently ill and had nothing in me to puke up. Dr. S came in to
check on me. The nurse updated him and when he learned that more water had
broken he thought it would go fast. They also tried laying my on my right side
to encourage the baby to move over more towards the middle and drop, but they
needed me to be on my left to encourage the medication to that side.
In the next few moments, I noticed that his heart rate went
down and didn’t even sound as loud. I leaned over to try to see the monitor and
it came back up. I didn’t think much of it. Then the nurse came back in and
started monitoring us even closer. She told us that with each contraction his
heart rate went down significantly. She said, “he wasn’t liking them.” A few
moments later, Dr. K and another nurse came in. I saw the nurse get an oxygen
mask out (I later found out it was for
baby boy). Dr. K said he wanted to check me. We were getting worried. I had
asked the nurse what could be causing his heart rate to decelerate so much. She
said it could be that the cord had a clamp in it somewhere or it was around his
neck. Again, every few moments I was getting sick and I was shaking more and
more. I had no control over my legs. They had to help me during the check. We
even had to take a break in order for me to get sick and I apologized. Dr K.
was so nice about it.
At 10:48 am, he completed the check and quickly told the
room that I was 10 cm, I was complete. He also said that “he was right there.” I was
worried about the pushing being tough on baby boy, but was also excited to push
to get him out. I was worried about him and also having to have a C-section. At
10:51 am, they gave me zofran. Dr. K immediately got on his personal cell phone
and called Dr S. He said something to the point of….”you have young lady here
that I heard you want to deliver…she is ready.” (Dr. S is the head of the
residents and was in the building). Just a few moments later, he entered the
room and started getting on his gear. Just before, the nurse started seating up
the delivery equipment and Dr. K said he would stay in room until Dr. S arrived.
Dr. S checked me. At first they weren’t even
going to break down the bed and set up the stirrups. But, they did quickly.
They even had Jason help. I started pushing. I kept saying that I couldn’t feel
anything. I felt like I had no clue what I was doing. They didn’t even have me
wait on a contraction to push…. They had me push and take a breath and push
again. After several pushes and encouraging words, I saw that look on my
husband’s face. He had tears in his eyes. He could see his son. I could feel
Dr. S turn baby boy (I think this is also the point he took the cord off of his
neck). With a few more pushes, our August Miracle made his appearance.
Griffin Michael Lee H****
11:01 am
8 lbs 6.4 oz
21.75 in
I didn’t hear him cry at first, but he eventually did. It was
one of the best sounds ever. Jason cut the cord and they placed him on my
chest. Quickly though, I started getting very sick and I had to ask Jason to
take him. I was able to see Jason hold him and then pass him to the nurses to
get checked. The nurses gave me phenergan and I immediately started feeling
better. I was able to hold Griffin again, but I noticed I was becoming very
tired. I was afraid to drop him. Again, I had to ask Jason to hold him.
After two hours in the labor and delivery room (standard), I
was to be moved to the mommy & me floor. During the course of the two
hours, I was feeling better and the epidural started to wear off. I also became
more and more alert. Jason text my
sister and she said she could be there around 1 pm. He also text his parents.
Instead of going downstairs in a wheelchair, they sent Griffin and I downstairs
on the bed after I was transferred from the delivery bed. Once downstairs, I
was better able spend time with him. They tried to give him his bath, but his
temperature wasn’t high enough. After a few moments, I asked we could wait on
the bath since our family was there to meet him. Over the course of the next
few hours, Griffin was introduced to the world.
The girls were so excited to see Mommy, but SUPER excited to meet Baby Brother.
Jason asked the nurse to do this on his shirt since the nurse had done one for TT. She gladly agreed.
The girls' gifts from Griffin.
We made more phone calls and sent text messages while people were visiting. After they left (of course we were super sad when the girls left), we ate the Dewey's Pizza Jason's parents went and picked up for us. The also gave Griffin his bath. But before the could they had to get his temperature up. He laid under the warmed for a while, but it didn't help much. Eventually, they wrapped him in two warm blankets and let me hold him. Then, he was able to be bathed.