Monday (35w6d) we had our 36 week appointment. We got there early and I was taken back early. After vitals, I waited for our midwife. She came in and asked how I was. Apparently, the L&D trip information hadn't made it into my chart. It was then time for me to lay down. I immediately lost it. My back has been killing my this entire pregnancy. Last pregnancy, I mainly remember my back pain the last few weeks and especially during delivery (I didn't even want to lay on my back). She hurried through all of the checks. My fundal height measured right on and his heartbeat was around 129 bpm. I then had the dreaded GBS test. Last pregnancy, I was GBS+. She then did a cervical check. At L&D Thursday I had no progress. Since then, I had noticed contractions most of Thursday and off and on all weekend. Also, a ton of cramping in my lower pelvic region (especially at night). I am posterior and 0% effaced, but an "easy 2-3 cm dilated." I asked her about walking. She recommended rest instead. I asked about taking EPO since at the point in pregnancy is when I started taking it last time; she also didn't recommend it since I was already progressing. Well, whoops. I had started Sunday with 1000 mg. We go back next Monday for the same, but also a NST.

Hope you can get some rest!!
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