On 7.19.11 we met with Baby C's BM and BF. We decided to meet them at the same park that we had met her BM and her maternal birthgrandmother in June (6.24.11).... oh no, I just realized that I had never wrote about that. I need to back-up!
In that past two months, we have had two amazing days with Baby C's birthfamly. We had hoped and wished for this for months.
Since finding out about Baby C around December, we had heard that her birthgrandmother wanted to meet her. On June 24, 2011, the day after we got home from G.tlinburg we met them at a local park. We had been to the park several time this past spring and this summer. This was the first time for us to have a meeting with Baby C's BM outside of the agency and without a SW. On top of that, we were meeting we her mother so we wanted a public location. This was a big step for us.
Unfortunately, it was rainy that day. But, the park had nice shelters. We were able to talk and share pictures. Yes, it was it 'strange' at first, but all the nerves that I had built up weren't worth it. It went so well. At first Baby C was hesitant to for anyone new to hold her, but she did warm-up a little. Her BM brought her a birthday card and a father's day card for my DH. She also brought her several outfits(from T.he P.lace - where she works).
After the rain passed, I was able to wipe off one of the swings. Baby C let us all push her at one point or another.... it was hard to leave, but Baby C was tired and it was cold from the rain.... It was difficult to leave. I wonder if we will see her again soon. We took picture and so did Baby C's birthgrandmother. It makes me hopeful for an ongoing relationship.
On June 19, 2011 (the one year aniversary of us bringing Baby C home), we had our meeting with her BM and BF. When we pulled up, they started to walk towards us. He waved. He shoke my husband's hand. We could tell right away he wasn't a people's-person. He even told us he wasn't. We sat under the shelter and caught up. We knew that their anniversary had been the day before (July 18). Guess what? He proposed to her!
I stared. I looked at what he was wearing. I looked at his hair, his eyes, his clothes and tatoos.
I wanted to know everything about him. We learned that he had worked at a local grocery store recently. One that we shop at regularly. It is very possible that we had met before and never knew it. Crazy, huh?
Baby C showed off her walking. He was able to hold her for a few seconds here and there. Baby C showed them how much she loved to play and drink juice really, really fast. They both pushed her in the swing and he went down the slide with her in his lap.
This time, it was 95+ degrees and I was 33+ pregnant. Our meeting lasted around an hour.
Late that night we got an email from Baby C's BM saying that he was happy about the meeting and he is looking forward to seeing Baby C again. Next time, he may bring his mother.
19 hours ago
Sounds like all is going well with your (semi?) open relationships! Things are going well with Jackson's birth families, too. I feel like it takes right about a year to really settle into something comfortable for everyone. So glad it is all working out for Baby C and your family:).
Wow, two terrific meetings!
We're about to plan our first meeting with birth parents, birth brother, and grandparents without the social worker for our daughter's first birthday. I hope our visit goes as well as yours. Only one person (of the 6 of them) will be new to us.
Glad everything is going well so far!
So glad everything went well! It sounds really good. I wish we had a relationship with Ellie's birth parents. Hoping someday they might be open to something.
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