Teegan is two months old!
She is a lil diva! She has her own personality and wants what she wants and when she wants it!
She is eating 4 oz just about every 4 hours.
We may be increasing it to 5 oz very soon. We have tried it a few times.
She knows when it is time to eat when we tuck the burp cloth under her chin.
She drools a lot. And, she sometimes spits up.
She is wearing 0-3 month clothes and size 1 diapers. The waist are still too big.
Socks fall off her feet all of the time.
She is starting to like bath time more and more.
She loves to be swaddled, but can get out of it in no time.
She is getting better at sleeping in her crib at night. But, she/we have trouble with that during the day.
She loves the moby. I soooo wish I would have bought one when her Big Sis was smaller.
When she gets in her pumpkin sit, she loves it. She loves car rides.
She is turning on her side more and more.
Her funny faces are amzing to look at.
She is starting to smile socially. And, her news noises are amazing to hear.
She is going to have tears very soon, I can see water starting to build up when she gets upset.
Between the bouncy seat and swing, she would pick the bouncy.
We put the PnP away. It's just not her thing. So, she never did sleep in our room.
She has only slept with us on the couch or in her bed.
Every day that passes, we love her more and more