Today we had our regular 39 week appointment. My basics all checked out just fine. My weight gain has leveled off the past several weeks. We were seen by one of the MWs. We talked about my anxiety level. (maybe I will talk about that later here...) I measured right on and her HB was around 150. We learned that I am now 2cm dilated and still 50% effaced. Apparently something has been happening! Maybe the walks, EPO, pineapple core, etc... are helping! We have a date... Our EDD is Sunday (9.4.11), if nothing happens before Tuesday (9.6.11) we have a regular 40 week check up and NST. They could send us straight the hospital from there. If not, we are to report to the hospital Wednesday (9.7.11) at 6:45am for induction. Before telling us any of this, our MW said "if you make it this long..." So, who knows!
Eeeek, it is getting so close! I have NO idea what your anxiety is about, but I can tell you, I was extremely anxious during my last months of my pregnancy, and even after I had Addison. It was my intense fear of having 2 babies. And I missed out on enjoying Addison early on because of it. So sad. I hope you can find a way to enjoy your new baby despite the anxiety...if that's even your issue. Just thought I'd share mine:).
Getting so close, can't wait till baby #2 arrives!
Very exciting! Glad things look great and maybe this weekend there will be a lil sis in baby C's arms!
Yay! I hope the delivery occurs swiftly and safely! Looking forward to updates!
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