15 hours ago
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
39 Week Check Up
Today we had our regular 39 week appointment. My basics all checked out just fine. My weight gain has leveled off the past several weeks. We were seen by one of the MWs. We talked about my anxiety level. (maybe I will talk about that later here...) I measured right on and her HB was around 150. We learned that I am now 2cm dilated and still 50% effaced. Apparently something has been happening! Maybe the walks, EPO, pineapple core, etc... are helping! We have a date... Our EDD is Sunday (9.4.11), if nothing happens before Tuesday (9.6.11) we have a regular 40 week check up and NST. They could send us straight the hospital from there. If not, we are to report to the hospital Wednesday (9.7.11) at 6:45am for induction. Before telling us any of this, our MW said "if you make it this long..." So, who knows!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
Sunday, August 28, 2011
38 Week Check Up
We had our regular 38 week check up on Tuesday (8.23.11). Both my DH & I had to leave work a little early since we had to go the other office (further away) because we were to also have a growth ultrasound. Baby C was picked up from the babysitter's by my Sister C.
All of the basics checked out just fine. We were to have the u/s first, but someone was in the room sick. So, we were hooked up to the NST machine first. They were doing the test again since at the appointment the week before it took us a hour to get good readings (she was sleepy). The Dr. came in (one that had seen us before) and she was happy with the readings. I measured right on track. She was basically done and then I asked if an internal was going to be completed (we had been told all along that this appointment would be the first). She had just forgotten since we were having to do things out of order. I was 50% effaced, but 0 dilation.
We were anxious to see our September Blessing. She has a perfectly round head and long legs. Her leg length was estimated to be in the 93.3 percentile. She weighed approximately 7lbs6oz and was in the 57th percentile. Her AFI was 12. All was well!
Our next appointment is Wednesday (8.31.11).
All of the basics checked out just fine. We were to have the u/s first, but someone was in the room sick. So, we were hooked up to the NST machine first. They were doing the test again since at the appointment the week before it took us a hour to get good readings (she was sleepy). The Dr. came in (one that had seen us before) and she was happy with the readings. I measured right on track. She was basically done and then I asked if an internal was going to be completed (we had been told all along that this appointment would be the first). She had just forgotten since we were having to do things out of order. I was 50% effaced, but 0 dilation.
We were anxious to see our September Blessing. She has a perfectly round head and long legs. Her leg length was estimated to be in the 93.3 percentile. She weighed approximately 7lbs6oz and was in the 57th percentile. Her AFI was 12. All was well!
Our next appointment is Wednesday (8.31.11).
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
Saturday, August 20, 2011
37 Week Check Up
Last Wednesday morning we had our regular 37 week check up. My basics all checked out. I was weighed on a differnt scale and it said that I had lost six pounds or so. But, when we tried my 'normal' scale I really hadn't : )
The nurse hooked me up to complete the NST. At first she wanted me on my back, but she quickly knew that wasn't comfortable for me. So, to the left side I went. She had a difficult time getting the little one to cooperate. She thought she had found a good spot to track her heartbeat and movement so she left. When she came back several minutes later, the data was too broken up. She tried some more. At one point, I went to my right side. The MW came in. She measured me (I measured right where I needed to be), she answered questions and told me that I did in fact come back GBS+. She then tried to get a better reading for the NST. We got consistent data, but the little one wasn't awake. I hadn't ate, so I gobbled down a granola bar. We finally got a little action, but not much. I am glad when got something going on though because the MW warned us that she may send us over to the hospital. When she checked for her position she was concerend she may have moved from the week before (the same MW saw us at our 36 appointment). I really hope that she is still head down. Our MW mentioned inversion and a c-section if it didn't work.... : /
So, we are now scheduled for our regular 38 week check up, a repeat NST and a position/growth ultrasound this coming Tuesday.
The nurse hooked me up to complete the NST. At first she wanted me on my back, but she quickly knew that wasn't comfortable for me. So, to the left side I went. She had a difficult time getting the little one to cooperate. She thought she had found a good spot to track her heartbeat and movement so she left. When she came back several minutes later, the data was too broken up. She tried some more. At one point, I went to my right side. The MW came in. She measured me (I measured right where I needed to be), she answered questions and told me that I did in fact come back GBS+. She then tried to get a better reading for the NST. We got consistent data, but the little one wasn't awake. I hadn't ate, so I gobbled down a granola bar. We finally got a little action, but not much. I am glad when got something going on though because the MW warned us that she may send us over to the hospital. When she checked for her position she was concerend she may have moved from the week before (the same MW saw us at our 36 appointment). I really hope that she is still head down. Our MW mentioned inversion and a c-section if it didn't work.... : /
So, we are now scheduled for our regular 38 week check up, a repeat NST and a position/growth ultrasound this coming Tuesday.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
I had seen the idea elsewhere, but wanted to try it for myself. DH's cousin's shower was a couple of weeks ago. This was one of the presents from us:
All for the flowers and leaves are bows/clips! No, I didn't make the bows, flowers or clips, I just put the BOWquet together.
All for the flowers and leaves are bows/clips! No, I didn't make the bows, flowers or clips, I just put the BOWquet together.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Baby C Loves Food
Just a few days after her birthday and stopping bottles and formula, we also decided to start giving up baby food. She is doing well. (We started introducing table food a long time ago, but baby food/formula were still her main sources of nutrition).We started by just going down to one jar/tub a day. Now, we have just a few jars/tubs left that I hope to use and get rid of here-and-there. She eats almost ANYTHING and EVERYTHING we put in front of her!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
36 Week Check-Up
After the completing the normals (providing a sample, getting my blood pressure checked and being weighed), we didn't have to wait long to see the MW. If you haven't noticed, we have seen most of doctors and both MWs at our office throughout this pregnancy. We never know who will deliver us, so we were more comfortable seeing as many of them as possible before she makes her arrival rather than seeing just one of them.
We knew that I would be having the GBS test. We also know that I will most likely be positive since what had happened earlier in the pregnancy. We also know that I can't have penicillin, so there are going to do a sensitivity test to see what they can use to treat it during our labor.
She told us that the latest they would allow us to go is Monday, Sepetember 12th! She also recommended that we start using techniques to rippen the cervix. Her suggestions: sex, nipple stimulation and take EPO (3X daily orally). I started the EPO immediately. The Dr. at our last appointment said that he normally checks for effacement and dilation while he does the GBS test, but she did not. We did not ask.
My fundal height measured where it should and her HB was in the 130s (she said that she sounded great).
We were able to schedule our last four appointments. Hopefully, we won't need the last one. It is scheduled for September 6th (U/S & NST). If we make it to then, we would schedule induction for sometime the 12th or before.
At our next appointment, we will have the normals, but also a NST (next Wednesday).
We knew that I would be having the GBS test. We also know that I will most likely be positive since what had happened earlier in the pregnancy. We also know that I can't have penicillin, so there are going to do a sensitivity test to see what they can use to treat it during our labor.
She told us that the latest they would allow us to go is Monday, Sepetember 12th! She also recommended that we start using techniques to rippen the cervix. Her suggestions: sex, nipple stimulation and take EPO (3X daily orally). I started the EPO immediately. The Dr. at our last appointment said that he normally checks for effacement and dilation while he does the GBS test, but she did not. We did not ask.
My fundal height measured where it should and her HB was in the 130s (she said that she sounded great).
We were able to schedule our last four appointments. Hopefully, we won't need the last one. It is scheduled for September 6th (U/S & NST). If we make it to then, we would schedule induction for sometime the 12th or before.
At our next appointment, we will have the normals, but also a NST (next Wednesday).
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
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