Monday, May 25, 2015

9 Months

May 19th, 2015
He is wearing 6-12m, 9m and 12 m clothing and size 2 and 3 shoes. He is still wearing size 3 diapers. He drinks about 6 bottles per day (6oz each). He still doesn't like veggies, but enjoys most any fruit. We have started trying the sippy cup more and more. We break up crunchies, puffs and yogurt bites into small pieces for him to try. He still doesn't have any teeth. He has been crawling for about 2 weeks and we had to move his bed all the way down. At his check-up, we weighed 19lbs and 8oz (50%) and was 30in long (95%). We was supposed to have his iron level checked, but also needed his blood checked for lead. However, the stick didn't go well. We have an order to get blood drawn soon.



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