We barely made it there on time (actually we were a few minues late). Jason and the girls stayed in car since we knew that they probably wouldn't an ultrasound. After checking in, I had to wait a few minutes. When I was taken back they complete the routine (sample, blood pressure, weight). When Dr. S.now came in the room, he used the doppler to find the HB. He started pretty high on my belly. I didn't flip out since three days earlier we had our sneek peek gender determination ultrasound. Once he went a little lower he found him! He instantly said boy! (remember, we didn't get our u/s done at the OB's office). I asked for my NT blood work result (1 in 10,000) and they drew blood for the quad screen (no news yet, so I assume that's good news). Our next appointment is in 4 weeks (20 weeks). When we were pregnant with TT this was they same time we had our anatomy ultrasound. But, he said that he would want that two weeks later. At first I was like GRRRRR.... I have to wait 2 more weeks for another peek at little one. But, once I thought about it I was ok with it since we will probably only get one more peek at him around 30 weeks (when we pay for a 4d ultrasound). I think he did/recommended waiting until 22 weeks for the anatomy ultrasound mainly since we already knew gender.