On 1.7.12 Teegan turned 4 months old. She is now wearing 3-6 months clothes and size 2 diapers. She sleeps well at night in her crib, but likes naps in her pumpkin seat, bouncy seat, the boppy, or in our arms. She is eating 6 oz five times a day. If she doesn't sleep through the night, she will have another 4-6 oz during the night. We started her on oatmeal on her 4 month birthday. She is starting to use her voice and is getting very good at touching/reaching for things. She likes to pull her blankets and bibs up by her face. She smiles a ton! She is also starting to roll to her side.
So cute! They just grow too fast!
Bless her heart, she is getting so big, and has such a sweet smile! Baby T is also getting some sweet chubby cheeks. I think she sure looks a lot like her Mommy. Beautiful, precious baby girl.
She is one happy baby!
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