Friday, April 8, 2011

Baby C's 1st Trip to the Inlaws

That day that I went to the ER for my rash, I called my DH's mother to ask her to watch Baby C while we were out. This was the very first time that we asked them. She ended up watching Baby C most of the time by herself because DH's father went to an auction looking for supplies for their bathroom remodel.

I can't believe we had to pack all of this for one couple hour trip!
(I love my new diaper bag! I finally bought one. We had just been just a large V.era B.radley backpack (which worked fine most of the time). The new bag is C.arter's brand.)


Life Happens said... [Reply to comment]

I'm always packing EVERYTHING in my diaper bag, 'just in case.' You never know when you will need something!


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