Pre-op appointment went well yesterday (history & physical). RE told me what I had already heard from the nurse, all of our blood work came back normal and the chromosomes tested from the D&C came back normal. RE said that it worried her that it wasn't a chromosomal issue that caused the m/c. She still thinks it's an issue related to PCOS/clotting factor and the placenta not developing properly. I am 99% sure that I will be doing Heparin injections 2x a day even though I haven't had any blood work to show that I need to. RE also suggested acupuncture. I guess it's time I really look into that!
The nurse from the clinic called today. She left a voicemail that detailed much of my cycle.
2nd LAP- 10.27.09
Start Lupron - 10.28.09
Last BCP - 11.4.09
Post-Op Appt. - 11.6.09
Estrace - 11.11.09-11.25.09
CD 15 Appointments - 11.25.09
ET - 11.30.09
Beta - 12.9.09
She didn't give me the dates for PIO, BA or Heparin. She has already called A.scend Pharmacy for me. They should be calling me soon to set up a shipping dates and to discuss billing.
Hope this cycle is the one for you! Thinking of you.
Hey, it's Amber. I changed blog urls, come visit me @
I am looking into Acupuncture as well. Keep us updated.
Good luck with your LAP and IVF cycle!! I'm doing my 2nd IVF and we added Lovenox this time due to 2 m/c's. It's scary but if it helps I'm all for it. You have an award on my blog.
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