Two thirty somethings, both teachers, working on growing our family and living life to the fullest. We were blessed with our first daughter through the miracle of adoption in July 2010 and welcomed our second daughter after a surprise pregnancy in September 2011. Then, in 2014 we added a precious boy to our growing family.
Formally, "Our Journey, But Not Our Plan. It's hard to deal with now. But, one day, it will all be worth it."
Our blog title changed when we realized that our plans changed and that it was ok that they did. And guess what? It has ALL been totally worth it!
Follow us as we continue our journey!
Saturday (4.27.13) we went to Huntington, WV to surprise my oldest sister for her birthday which was the weekend before. She thought that it would be our other sister and I only, but we brought our families and our brother and his girlfriend. We ate at the Marshall Hall of Fame Cafe. It was great to have us all together.
After breakfast, we headed down the road. We stopped at the mall and meet up with DH's mom for lunch at L.onghorn. We then took the girls to THE CHEESE! We made a few more stops and headed home. That morning we gave the girls several books. They loved them all!
Friday, 4.19.13, we took a personal day. After breakfast, we headed to the PO and then to Don Pablos. Yummy! Afterwards, we went to the aquarium. Skipping naptime is never good, but it was totally worth it!
Chloe had her 2nd hair cut. We had her go first hoping that she would model how easy it was to get your hair cut. She did so well! All that she was worried about was what hair product to hold. The stylist asked us if TT would sit or if we should hold her. We said that we would try her in the chair first. She did FANTASTIC! No crying, no moving....she sat there like a PRINCESS! It was a total success!
5.2 - U/S #3 8w, Baby measuring well, Set Due Date to 12.11.17, Saw and Heartbeat (around 170bpm), Released from RE 5.8 - First OB appointment, 9w, History, Stats, Concerns, Used Doppler and Heard Heartbeat (around 170 bpm)
5.9 - Found out results of urinalysis, Had UTI and started antibiotics