We are SET for our SET (single embryo transfer). To be honest, I didn’t think DH and I would be doing this ET this summer let alone starting now. Part of me was, is worried about the quality of this embryo. We haven’t had a ton of luck with the embryos from my IVF cycle last summer. We miscarried the first two embryos that we transferred (10w4d) and the second two (FET) didn’t implant. The embryo that we have left was frozen on day 7. I believe this is one of the eggs that wasn’t mature at retrieval and was allowed to develop over night and then fertilized the next day. This embryo was graded 2.0 on the day that it was frozen and it had already hatched. From what my nurse told me, this embryo is a fighter. Our lab won’t freeze anything graded low on day 5-6-7 and will not freeze past day seven. This embryo was graded lower on the other days, but when they looked at it again on day 7 it had improved greatly and had even hatched. I almost hate to say it, but that gives me a lot of hope.
The other part of our reasoning to not do the ET now is of course money. Do we save money to put towards our adoption journey? Do we save money to put towards a fresh IVF cycle in the future?
But, over the past few weeks I have realized a couple of things…
We are moving forward with our adoption journey. If we are lucky and matched sooner than later, this embryo wouldn’t be able to be used for at least a year (probably much longer).
More importantly, this embryo is ours. It is precious. I can’t leave it frozen. I have to give it a chance.
So, after hearing that last cycle was a bust I immediately let my nurse know of our plan do to our SET. Our clinic is totally on board.
If you want to know more about our SET cycle, I have posted our plans on the right hand side of the blog.
Now, I am just waiting on a call from the pharmacy. I am to start L.upron 4.8!
15 hours ago