Tuesday, December 29, 2009

For the record . . .

Synthroid, Prenatal, Baby Aspirin, Metanx, Glucophage - Daily
Post-Op Appt. - (11.6.09)
Start Lupron - (11.6.09)
Start Doxycycline - (11.6.09)
1st Acupuncture - (11.7.09)
2nd Acupuncture - (11.11.09)
Last Doxycycline - (11.12.09)
Last BCP - (11.13.09)
3rd Acupuncture - (11.14.09)
AF - (11.16.09)
Start Estrace - (11.20.09)
4th Acupuncture - (11.21.09)
5th Acupuncture - (11.25.09)
Last Lupron -(12.4.09)
CD 15 Appointment - (12.4.09)
Start Medrol - (12.4.09)
Start PIO - (12.4.09)
6th Acupuncture - (12.5.09)
7th Acupuncture - (12.8.09)
Last Medrol - (12.8.09)
ET - (12.9.09)
8th Acupuncture - (12.9.09)
Beta - BFN - (12.18.09)

Monday, December 28, 2009

What's next?

“She” showed up the day before Christmas Eve, I immediately called the clinic. I really wanted to get a ‘cycle’ started over my break. I was lucky; they were able to get me in on CD 2, Christmas Eve, morning. I didn’t know what to expect. She was surprised it didn't work. She doesn't think it's the quality of my eggs. She asked about transferring the one I have left, but I voiced my concerns about that:
1. The first 2 we transferred we m/c and
2. The second 2 did not implant.

But, you know what?!?! She has never checked my FSH!? She has never completed the infamous CD3 bloodwork. Should I ask her to?

She then asked about doing another IVF. We said we couldn't right now:
1. Time off of work and
2. The money issue (we are OOP).

We then talked about doing another IUI. We did get preggo w/ that before. She said it's a possibility.... so that's what we are doing! She feels more comfy doing that now too since she took the bad tube out. She seemed a little concerned about the L.upron I took during the FET delaying my O this cycle. But, I am up to trying. Now, we just have to hope for a dominant follie on my good side!

So, the plan for this cycle....
Still take B. Asa & Folic Acid + other daily med
Femara CD 3-7, 5mg
CD 14 u/s
Trigger when ready
Start Heparin w/ BFP

Where am I now? .… CD 6 & experiencing minor headaches from the Femara ?!?!
Upcoming Appointment: CD 14 U/S - 1/5

Sunday, December 20, 2009

XMas Decor/ICLW

Thank you for all of your continuing support during this difficult time. Things will start to look up; I just hope they do so soon.
Welcome to those visiting from ICLW!
I love the holiday season so it should be a great distraction! I hope you enjoyed the pictures of a few holiday touches that we have added this year:

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Not what we wanted...

Thank you all of your support, but it hasn't turned out the way we wanted. I was prepared. I had been taking HPTs since 10dpo. My beta came back negative. I am heartbroken. I feel broken. I am lost...

I am away trying to regroup. Someday, this will all be worth it...today, I just can't see that.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Do the Right Thing, Holiday Cheer

I received this email yesterday.
Please read and pass on. Do your part!

"This is a sad, but amazing story. I just spoke with my brother who is a counselor in this students building, and they delivered over 600 cards today.......

There is a young man that has been told that he is going to die and there is nothing more that the doctors can do for him as he has terminal cancer. He was asked what he would like for Christmas, as this will be his last one, and he replied "I want a million Christmas cards." Do you think you could find it in your heart to send this young man his last Christmas card... per his one last Christmas wish.

If you were curious, here is a little information on Nate. He is a 9 year old little boy who has been battling brain cancer for several years and was just told from his doctors at St. Jude's that his battle will soon come to an end and there is nothing more that they can do for him. He has been a true fighter, unfortunately he has exhausted all forms of treatment that exist. Just another reason that we keep "Relaying" to find a cure for this horrible disease. They have had a "Nate's Mates" Relay for Life team the past several years in honor of Nate.

Please when mailing out your Christmas cards this year, take the time to make out just one more. Hug your kids and count your blessings this holiday season and please keep Nate and his family in your prayers... And forward this on, lets make Nate's Christmas wish come true.

Please pass this on to your friends, family and co-workers and lets see if Nate can get his Christmas wish."

His name and address is as follows:
Nate Elfrinck
2415 Taylor Blair Road
West Jefferson, Ohio 43162

* Yes, this story has been confirmed.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Missing Mom

Missing you Mommy . . . 12.14.06

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

2 Beautiful Blasts

That's really all that needs to be said, but here are a few details:

~ Drinking that much water is torture. I had to ‘partially release’ twice and my bladder was still huge.
~ The winds we have experiencing is crazy.
~ I have been much more relaxed this go around. I am not sure if I should contribute that to acupuncture, listening to my music ahead of time or just that fact of my past experiences.
~ Both embies made it through the thaw.
~ Both are expanding nicely.
~ One was graded 1.5 and the other 2.0. The embryologist even showed us pictures from this morning and we could tell the difference between then and the picture from this afternoon.
~ Warm blankets are amazing.
~ Transfer went very smoothly, except for the fact that the lights went out right in the middle. (The embies were in the catheter, in my uterus.) Yep, that was interesting.
~ Acupuncture did wonders today.
~ The prescription for H.eparin has been faxed and I should be hearing from Ascend shortly.
~ I am back to work, school, tomorrow.
~ My beta is 12.18!!!
~ I am absolutely in love with these embies!

Transfer Day

It's time. I will update when get a chance. Thank you all of your kinds words and support. Please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers!

.... off to get ready and start drinking my water!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Chugging Right Along

Nothing too exciting going on here, yet. Only two more sleep s until I meet my sweet babies. I am trying to remain stress free, but between being excited, getting things ready around the house and school work it’s hard to do. Acupuncture, hot baths (I know as of Wednesday that needs to stop), candles and music have really been helpful in that area. I have been eating my pineapple since Friday evening. Tomorrow, I will take my last dose. I also have an acupuncture appointment scheduled for Tuesday evening. I am looking forward to that. By the way, has anyone ever gotten bruises after acupuncture? I have one right under my bellybutton. PIO is going well. I found that icing the area ahead of time works the best for me.

Like I said, not much happening here. We are just busy with ‘last minute touches.

Friday, December 4, 2009

It's On

And the countdown begins.... wait, I can't lie. I have been counting down for weeks now. I can't believe how quickly I got in and out of the office today. I barely sat down and I was called back. Of course, no complaining here. My lining is good. I never did hear a number from my RE, but while I was looking at the screen I am pretty sure I saw 9.8. Not bad there is still time for it to improve. My RE confirmed that I will be starting H.eparin after a + beta. My RE and nurse told me to expect a call from the clinic with my final instructions.

After stopping to get gas on my way home, I went to pick up a pineapple. First dose is tonight. I did this for my fresh cycle; so I am going to give it a go again. I plan to eat pineapple (with the core) through Tuesday evening. I was in the grocery store maybe five minutes; yet, I somehow missed the call from the clinic. I had only left my RE's office 50minutes prior I didn’t think they would call that soon. Wow, no complaining here! Anyway, I had a pretty detailed message about what meds to stop and those to start and more information about my transfer.

Here's the basic run down:
1. Start M.edrol tonight
2. Start PIO tonight
3. Lower E.strace dosage tomorrow
4. ET Wednesday - Must drink 48oz. of water between 11 & 1pm. I am to arrive at the clinic at 1:15pm for a 1:30pm transfer.

I am getting excited.... off to my sister's for my nephew’s birthday dinner and back home to eat pineapple and get my shot in the rear.


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