Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Thanksgiving #2 & ER Visit

Rapunzel, the Elf returned Thanksgiving morning. We had put the above letter on the floor outside of their bedrooms thinking that they would fall over it. Nope, they didn't even acknowledge it. So, we pointed it out and read it out loud. The hurried down stairs where it didn't take then long to find her on the top of one of our Christmas trees. 

That afternoon, we were to host Thanksgiving for Jason's side of the family. We were providing a few side dishes, dishes (literally) and seating (his parents are remodeling their kitchen). Around 10:15am, Chloe had an accident she fell into one of our wooden end tables. Jason picked her up and I immediately told him to look at her face for blood. Sure enough, she was gushing blood. We looked for the source. It was coming from inside and outside of the mouth. We knew she needed stitches. I grabbed a kitchen towel from him to put pressure on it. We grabbed the diaper bag (at least what a already in it and 2 spare sippy cups), coats (didn't even get them on), Jason a shirt, me a bra and my purse. We sprinted out the door. Pulling out of the driveway I called Jason's mom. Luckily, we got in and out of the ER in 2 hours. She was a brave, brave little girl. She did NOT like the numbing shot nor did she like them holding her down for the 3 stitches. I felt useless. I felt worthless. I felt incredibly terrible. She did like being in control of the remote control and LOVED it when they offered her a Popsicle. Teegan was charm other than the short time we were in the waiting room and she decided to act like a 2 year old. Of course she had a dirty diaper in the middle of all of this. And wanted each and every snack she could think of and that we didn't have. We were all in our pjs. They both had blood all over them. Chloe had on a pj gown and long purple socks that didn't match. But, we didn't care. Chloe needed some things from the pharmacy and the grocery store so we  headed there after she was discharged. I went in while they stayed in the van. We still had the family over that afternoon. 

That afternoon, after a cut short nap Rapunzel had left another note and box.


Life Happens said... [Reply to comment]

Oh my goodness, what a day!! I hope she is feeling better!


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